
Yes when you place an order you will receive a confirmation on your email. In case you will not see it, please check your spam filter, perhaps its in your unwanted emailmap. If not please contact us with your name and what you ordered so we can send a copy to you.
Very simple, just go to our contactpage and fill in your details and question. Please note we reply within 3 workdays max, please wait these days before sending another email (workdays is from mo-fr)
You must always ask first approval from us to send an product back within 14 days after its delivered at your adress (B2B orders don't have the 14 day return policy, all sales are final). More info see our returns/warranty page
If you bought product at our store than please visit our warranty page and follow the steps. In case you bought a Ludic product from a Dealer you need to contact your  dealer and ask them for warranty and explain the problem. The dealer is the one you have a sales agreement with, so they need to provide warranty. Offcourse in case we assist the dealer if necessary.